| Wireless Service Assurance
Allows mobile operators to assure efficient service turn-up, troubleshooting, and performance management of subscriber services while minimizing dispatches and trouble tickets.
:: RCATS QoS Management Systems::
The RCATS family of QoS Management Systems provide centralized management and control of the RCATS system.
QoSExecutive - The RCATS QoSExecutive enables wireles service providers to assess in real-time the quality and performance experienced by end users for voice, messaging and data services.
QoSManager - provides a powerful platform for automatically executing multiple test profiles across hundreds of Remote Test Probes (RTPs).
Mobile Identity (MI) Server - provides a centrally-located pool of SIM modules for testing various subscriber profiles in remote locations. It allows the remotely-located RTPs to quickly switch identities, choosing from any of 36 SIMs in each MI Server.
:: Highlights ::
[•] Increases customer satisfaction by reducing the time required to detect customer-impacting problems.
[•] Reduces operating cost by automating monitoring, testing, and reporting.
[•] Increases operator visibility of their customers' service quality by providing network-wide, real-time reporting of measurements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
[•] Improves consistency of customer experience by monitoring a common set of customer services throughout the entire network footprint.
[•] Reduces the time and risk to install or modify network infrastructure by providing extensive recursive testing capability.
:: Key Features ::
[•] Automates service validation testing for voice, data, and messaging services from an end-user perspective.
[•] Web enabled views and reports for assessment of test results and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
[•] Enables large scale continuous monitoring of service quality and availability from large numbers of geographically-dispersed locations.
[•] Graphical development environment to enable the rapid creation of test profiles.
[•] GSM networks – MI Server virtually loads operator specific SIMs into remote probes located in roaming locations.
[•] Secure access and control via Web, telnet over Ethernet, dialup, or serial port.
